HUD’s Family Options Study: Revisiting the Preliminary Results

This Policy Research Commentary takes a closer look at the interim results of HUD’s Family Options Study, the most comprehensive study ever conducted to test different approaches to addressing family homelessness, and raises serious questions about the ability to draw any definitive conclusions thus far.…

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Why New York City’s Homeless Family Policies Keep Failing

At present, more than 12,000 families and about 23,000 children reside in New York City homeless shelters. New York City has built more affordable housing, has dispersed more rental vouchers, and has established more prevention programs than any other city in the country. So, why, after 30 years, do the number of families residing in shelters continue to grow?…

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Rapidly Rehousing Homeless Families: New York City—a Case Study

This opinion brief points to New York City as a case study on rapid rehousing and takes a critical look at the long-term impact of federally driven rapid rehousing policies, raising fundamental questions about the effectiveness of rapid rehousing as a solution when it is used in a one-size-fits all manner.…

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