Data Notes: What You Need to Know About NYC’s Homeless High School Students

This infographic is part of the Student Homelessness in New York City series, which sheds light on the more than 140,000 NYC public school students who have experienced homelessness over the past seven years.

The data for this infographic is the New York City Department of Education, unpublished data tabulated by the Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness, SY 2010–11 to SY 2016–17.

Students who were identified at any point during SY 2016–17 by the New York City Department of Education as meeting the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness. This includes students in shelter, doubled-up, in hotel/motels, or other temporary arrangements.

Students who lived in a fixed, regular, and adequate housing situation.

Chronic Absenteeism
Missing more than 10%, or more than 18 days, of a 180-day school year.

Mid-Year Transfers
Students who transfer from one school to another at any point during the school year.

On-Time Graduation
A student graduates on time if they complete high school with a Local, Regents, or Advanced Regents diploma by August of their fourth year.

A student drops out if they un-enroll from high school prior to graduation.